Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash
Hello there! Welcome to my first blog on my website. I am so excited. My name is Morenike Adesulu and I am an artist. In 2020, during lockdown, while having to work from home and homeschool my children, I quit my full-time job to become a full-time artist. So how has that been going? It’s been great. Sometimes. Listen! It has not been easy. But I knew it wasn’t going to be.
I am so fortunate that, from an early age, I am talking as early as about four years old, I knew that my life purpose was to be an artist. However, in my adult years, I started to chase the corporate dream and other societal expectations, only to stop nurturing my inner artist. It would take the pandemic and a personal tragedy to force me to look within and strip myself of all these layers, these false selves, that have buried my true essence. I had to get to know and nurture my true self all over again. I told myself, “I am an artist. I am a prolific artist, and I am ready to embark on this journey.” I wasn’t ready. I was never going to be ready. My soul, my true essence had just had enough. I had had enough, and it was time to do brave stuff now. While working a full-time corporate job took me further away from my dreams and aspirations, it gave me a comfortable and secure life. While it stifled my creativity, it gave me a steady paycheck. I decided the trade-offs were no longer worth it. I should have started earlier, but never starting is worse; and to think about 10 years ago I thought it was too late for me to start an art career. I thought I was too old.
It hasn’t been easy. I have even questioned my decision at times and wondered if I could have tried harder at brainwashing myself to accept my 9 to 5 fate. But when I come to, I realize that I am on the right path. The road is just not easy, but it is the path to take. I have been learning a lot on this journey, and most of it has had to do with switching my mindset from employee mode to entrepreneur mode. Yes! I am learning to be more disciplined for myself. The 9 to 5 life was my comfort zone. I sure do miss those steady paychecks I was trading time for. Hmm! Trading my time for.
This entrepreneurial thing is foreign to me. It is outside my comfort zone. But you know what they say, growth only happens outside the comfort zone. My mental and spiritual wellbeing have been challenged at times. But I am thankful that I have been able to stay grounded and focused. I have been able to look within and discover strength that I never knew I had. I trust myself more. I believe that everything I need to succeed, I have already been equipped with; and that includes the ability to ask for help and guidance from my community of artists and other wise folk. My spiritual practices (meditating, journaling, spending time in nature, and creating art) help me to stay grounded, present, and connected to something bigger than me. I trust the process more, and I can be in a state of gratitude. I am so thankful that I am more present for myself and for my family. I am thankful for my husband’s love and support, though this hasn’t been easy for him either. I am thankful that I can spend more time with my children. I am so grateful for the art commissions I have received. I have attended events where I got to sell my art. The list of all the things I am grateful for is endless.
I am on the right path. I am where I need to be right now. I am living in my purpose. I know sometimes I just wish things could happen more quickly. I wish I could be a world-renowned artist today already. Imagine having to climb a flight of 100 steps. The task might seem daunting and perhaps impossible. However, the only way to get there is to start with the first step. When we are growing, we can’t just bypass some fundamental stages. We must go through them. When we give up, or don’t start, we keep ourselves further away from realizing our dreams.
If you have discovered what your life purpose is and have embarked on that journey to living a purposeful life, congratulations!! I encourage you to keep going. You’ve got this. Stay on track. Look within you for strength. You will find your tribe and you can uplift one another. Don’t be afraid to seek help from your community or a professional. Work with a coach if you can. Speaking to a therapist can also help diffuse and navigate the mental challenges you will encounter.
I am going to keep using this space to share my journey with you, so please be on the lookout for upcoming posts. Take a look around my website. Visit my shop to purchase original art or art prints. I appreciate your support. Visit my portfolio page to check out some of my art past and present. If you like what you see, I am currently accepting commissions. Please send me a message through my contact page.
Thank you so much for reading. I look forward to being in touch again.
Remember, there is a gift that only you can give to the world. Share it. The world is waiting. You are someone special that has something unique to offer. Trust the process.
Lots of love!